Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Disability Rehabilitation Early Intervention and Management Services (DREAMS)

Disability Rehabilitation Early Intervention and Management Services (DREAMS) is an initiative by IUCDS for Early Identification and Intervention of Childhood Disabilities. The centre provides interdisciplinary services to the persons with disabilities. The centre provides services to persons with disabilities from low socio economic status.


  • Audiology and Speech therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Auticare Centre – Immersive Virtual Reality Experience through Blue Room Setup for Autism care and Training
  • Counseling and psychotherapy
  • Special Education
  • he Lecturer/ Research associates in Disability Studies and psychology is providing special education training and counseling services

    Areas of disabilities focused

    The centre provides services to persons with disabilities at grass root level.

    1.              Intellectual Disability

    2.              Physical impairment and Motor problems

    3.              Psychological disorders/ Disabilities

    4.              Visual Impairment

    5.              Speech problems and Hearing impairment

    6.              Autism spectrum disorders

    7.              Learning Disability and other learning problems

    8.              Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD)

    9.             Cerebral Palsy

    10.         Developmental delays and high risk babies (Premature and low birth weight babies)

    11.         Behavioural and emotional problems

    12.         Ageing related disorders and disabilities

    Other than the specific areas of disabilities, the centre provides various services to elderly persons with various disorders/ disabilities.


    Services available at DREAMS

Speech Therapy Unit

Audiology Unit

Auticare Unit

Virtual Reality Lab


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