Monday, March 10, 2025
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Chief Minister’s Nava-Kerala Post-Doctoral Fellows

Dr. Boban Joseph M.S.W. (Medical & Psychiatric Social Work)., SET (Social Work), M.Phil. (Psychiatric Social Work), & Ph.D. (Clinical insight in Schizophrenia: the efficacy of a psychiatric social work intervention) [NIMHANS-National Importance]


Dr. Boban Joseph is the first recipient of the prestigious Chief Minister’s Nava Kerala Post Doctoral Fellowship (CMNPF) in Disability Social Work in Kerala. The CMNPF has been awarded to him (2024-2026) via IUCDS as his research centre for studying the betterment of mothers of autistic children with a group work intervention. His institute research’s ethical approval (IEC) process was completed at IUCDS in December 2024 and received approval on 14th February 2025 for field testing of the package & data collection. The six-month progress report on his research was submitted and subsequently presented to the Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC) in August 2024. Additionally, the annual report for the first year of the research work was submitted in February 2025, covering the period from 2024 to 2025.

Dr. Joseph has numerous peer-reviewed journal articles indexed in the UGC-Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE lists) & Scopus and has published books on disability and book chapters on outcome-based education (OBE) ( and psychiatric social work. His published articles in peer-reviewed journals have many citations.

He has 20 years of experience in social work, including clinical social work, work experience as a researcher in funded projects by WHO SEARO, the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, and academic course facilitation for social work students (of bachelor, PG, and MPhil). He also guided scholars in MPhil research. Also, he presented papers in social work at regional, national, and international conferences, including in Japan. In addition, Dr. Joseph has an interest in social psychology, statistics, research methodology, and social work research.

Dr. Joseph was one of the guest subject experts invited to the Board of Studies meeting of the M.A. Social Work in Disability Studies and Action Programme (MA-SWDS&A), accredited by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), conducted at the School of Behavioural Sciences, M.G. University, Kottayam. Also, he was one of the Board of Studies (BoS) members of the Social Work (BSW-aided course) baccalaureate program at Marian College, Kuttikkanam (an autonomous institution), during their 4th Cycle of NAAC assessments.

Before receiving the award of the CMNP Fellowship, he worked (on contract) as an assistant professor at the Inter-University Centre for Disability Studies and guest faculty at the School of Behavioural Sciences, M.G. University, Kottayam and School of Social Work, Marian College, Kuttikkanam, Autonomous Peermade, & Earlier to these positions, he served on various funded projects as a junior research fellow and psychiatric social worker (PSW) under the Translational Research Laboratory (INI), Department of Clinical Psychology, and Department of Psychiatry at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka [NIMHANS-Institute of National Importance]. His published booklet on “Schizophrenia and Insight” is widely circulated at NIMHANS-INI for the carers of persons with schizophrenia in Malayalam, English, Kannada, and Tamil, languages provided free of cost on demand.

In addition to CMNPF, he provides classes on disability, rehabilitation, counselling, psychopathology, assessments in psychiatric social work, psychotherapies, and mental health to master’s and diploma course students at IUCDS. Dr Joseph’s supervisory skills enable students in clinical social work. Institutions invite him to give expert sessions on mental health-related issues. He has successfully completed a project funded by RUSA on “safe touch” among school children with low-income backgrounds in the Idukki district.

Dr. Joseph is a registered psychiatric social worker of the State Mental Health Authority [KSMHA] Govt. of Kerala, as per the National Registry of Mental Health Professionals of Mental Health Care Act [MHCA] 2017. Based on his theoretical and clinical experience, he provides counselling and various therapies to people in need. He is a lifetime member of ISPSW, the Indian Society of Professional Social Workers. His many publications were done in collaboration with researchers from Africa, Australia, India, and the UK. Also, he published articles in journals from New Zealand, Australia, India, Malaysia, and the UK.

Dr. Chothisha K.S. M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil. (Special Education), Ph.D. & D.V.R. (ID)-RCI.


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