Monday, March 3, 2025
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Research Articles/ Papers published in Journals/Periodicals/conference Proceedings 

Prof.Dr.Baburaj P.T

Sl No Title of Research articles /Paper(5) Name of Journal Whether first author/ co-author Month / Year of Publication Volume, No.8 Referred/ Non-referred ISBN/ISSN No Level (Int/Nat/State/Local
1. Coping  orientation for problem experience and codependence of visually Impaired children in secondary Level Global Education Society and Development, New Delhi Co-author July September2001;Vol.1 (N0-2) Page 47 Referred ISSN No. 0975-1319 International
3. Parental stress and effectiveness of a stress management programme for parents of children with hearing impairment Academic views and reviews; New Delhi Co- author July- September 2012 Vol No.2; (No.2) P. 19 Referred ISSN No. 2249-7242 International
4. Attitude of hearing impaired adolescents towards sex education International Educational Development, New Delhi Co-author July- September 2012 Vol. No.2 P.1-11 Referred ISSN No: 2250-3862 International
5. Emotional maturity and mental adjustment of persons with hearing impairment Global education society and development, New Delhi Co-author July-September 2013 Vol No.5 (No-2)P.63 Referred ISSN No. 0975-1319 International
6. Knowledge and attitude of adolescent girls with hearing impairment towards sex education Academic views and reviews, New Delhi Co-author Oct- Dec.2013 Vol. No.3 (No.3) P.133 Referred ISSN.No.2249-7242 International
7. Impact of cognitive  approach in special language therapy on neuro psychological aspects at students with hearing impairment Innovative thoughts Trivandrum Co-author December-13 Vol.I; Issue 3  P.2 Referred ISSN.2321-5453 International
8. Enhancing Nuero psychological aspects and adaptive behavior through CSL therapy among students with hearing Impairment Conflux Journal of education, Thiruvananthapuram Co-author December-13 Vol.I (Issue-7) 2013 P.19 Referred ISSN.2320-9305 International

 Chapter contributed in Edited Book 

Sl No Title of Chapter (3) Title of Book (3) Whether sole Author/ Co author Name of Publisher Month and Year of Publication Referred / Non-referred ISBN/ISSN No:
1. “Andhatha”(AÔX) “VaikalyangaleAriyukaAthijeevikkuka” Co-author MG University, Kottayam 1993 Non-Referred
2. Badhiratha(_[n-cX) “VaikalyangaleAriyukaAthijeevikkuka” Co-author MG University 1993 Non-Referred
3. MLA’s Awareness and Attitude on Disability Dynamics of education Co-author Vedant Publications, Lucknow 2009-2010 Referred ISBN  978-93-80135-04 -5


Dr. Shynu V C

Chapters in Edited books

1. Shynu V C-2023-Importance of Community organization in Tribal Development: A Social
work View-(edtd) Youth@75; Way Forward-Role of Teachers ; Azad Ka Amrit Mahotsav ,
Volume 2 – ISBN 978-93-80419-72-5- Department of Printing and Publishing, Mahatma
Gandhi University, Kottayam

2. Komath Rajesh & V.C.Shynu Changing Land Use Patterns and Identities among Kani
Adivasis of Western Ghats, Kerala. Tribes In Transition: A Critical Enquiry Edited By
Manjusha K A.

3. 2.VC Shynu & amp; Komath, Rajesh How Acts Becoming Inactive? Locating Forest Rights Act
and Nomadic Tribe in Kerala Tribes In Transition: A Critical Enquiry Edited By Manjusha K.A.


1. Shynu V C. Embracing Inclusion: The Vital Role of Disability Studies in Social Work
603X (PRINT).2023

2. Shynu V C & Rajesh Komath . Forest Rights Act Of 2006 And Nomadic Malaipandarams In
Kerala. Journal of Human Sciences. Volume – 1 , Issue II, May 2022. Kannur


Dr. Shiju K.K



Fr. Dr. Renny Thomas


1) Parenting Style and Internet Use in Higher Secondary Students: An Interconnect.
Studies in Indian Place Names – SIPN (ISSN 2394-3114). Vol No 40. Issue No 92. March 2020.
Pg. No 340-345.

2) Institutionalized Children with HIV/AIDS during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study
International Journal of Social and Development Concerns (ISSN 2524-1478). Special Issue on
Social Work During COVID 19. March 2021. Pg. No 138-148.

3) Emotional Maturity of Institutionalized Children Living with HIV: A Cross-sectional
study. National Journal of Professional Social Work, (ISSN 2230-8768). Vol No 22. Issue No
2, December 2021. Pg. No 96 – 109.

4) Response to Climate Change: Case Study of an Institution for Young people living with
HIV. Engaging Youth and Adolescents in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change
Adaptation. Scientific International Publishing House. (ISBN 978-93-5625-525-8). Pg. No

5) Institutional Care for Children Living with HIV: Prospects & Challenges. The Journal of
Malankara Orthodox Theological Studies. The Orthodox Theological Seminary Kottayam. 7
(2), July-December 2022, Pg 65-74


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