Monday, March 3, 2025
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List of seminars conducted at IUCDS

Sl. No Topic Duration Date Number of participants
State level seminar on management and empowerment of persons with multiple disabilities 2 days 13.09.2012 to 14.09.2012 114
International seminar on Emerging trends in disability studies management 1 day 08.01.2013 79
Legal rights of persons with disabilities 1 day 25.04.2013 200
National seminar on “Technology: A boon for persons with disabilities 1 day 03.12.2014 193
National conference on “ Vision 2020” in association with C.H Muhammed Koya State Institute of for the Mentally challenged (SIMC), Trivandrum 2 days 21.04.2015 & 22.04.2015 90
National conference on “Models of best practices in rehabilitation  for the empowerment of persons with disabilities” 2 days 16.10.2015 to 17.10.2015 500
8. Laws and Empowerment of Women’s with  Disabilities ,in association with Mother Charitable trust , Kottayam. 1 day 19.08.2016


9. International Day of persons with Disabilities(IDPWD) 2016.
National conference on Inclusion: leave no one Behind , in association with ALAN T21  Welfare  Trust, Changanassery.
1day 17.12.2016 348




10  National seminar on Triorigin Hand Mudra & Smile Mudra As Effective Tools In The Rehabilitation Of Children With Developmental Disorders. 1 day 20-10-2017
11 National Conference on Early Intervention : Trends and Challenges.
(CRE –Programme ,) IUCDS and Composite regional Centre for Persons with Disabilities (CRC-Kozhikode)
2days 23.03.2018
12 Seminar on the effectiveness of jeevadhara Approach for incurable diseases and disorders.
In association with jeevadhara institute of neurodevelopment and research, malayattoor
1 day 26.01.2019 18
13 National seminar on The role of special teachers in implementing assistive technology
In association with society of prosthetics and  orthotics -Kerala
3 days 23-05-2019
14 International Conference on Research Based Practices For Managing Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders 3 days 12-08-2019





Sl. No Topic Duration Date
 Webinar on
Supporting Families and Individuals with Disabilities During the Time of COVID-19 crisis.

Inter university Centre for Disability Studies (IUCDS)
Mahatma Gandhi University,
Kottayam – 686560
College of Education and Health Sciences,Adelphi University,
Garden city, New York


1 day 1st May 2020
2. Short term course on Inclusive learning Environment.

Inter University Centre for Disability Studies (IUCDS),
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala,
in collaboration with
MES’s Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur, Mumbai


  7  days 10-06-2020




Webinar on
International webinar on Global Impact of COVID-19
Inter University Centre for Disability Studies (IUCDS),


Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala,


ONLINE SHORT TERM COURSE ON DIETETICS AND NUTRITION on 1st to 6th July 2020, organized by Inter University Centre for Disability Studies (IUCDS), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam in collaboration with Jeevaneeyam Ayurveda Hospital And Research Centre, Ernakulum.                       The course covered 6 hrs. per day.

1 day 20-06-2020
4 ONLINE SHORT TERM COURSE ON DIETETICS AND NUTRITION on 1st to 6th July 2020, organized by Inter University Centre for Disability Studies (IUCDS), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam in collaboration with Jeevaneeyam Ayurveda Hospital And Research Centre, Ernakulum.                       The course covered 6 hrs. per day.


6 days 01-07-2020


5  Webinar on

Role of Inclusive DRR during CIVID-19(Free),
organized by
Inter University Centre for Disability Studies (IUCDS), Mahatma Gandhi University and Thanal Paliyetive and Paraplegic Care Society , Ernakulam

1 day 13-07-2020
6. Webinar on
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Higher education and Employment.
2 day 23-07-2020
7. International Webinar on COVID-19 AND GLOBAL HEALTH ,
IUCDS in association with Confederation of Epidemiological Associations
, Bournemouth University, Gulf Medical University, University of Huddersfield and American Society for Microbiology on 25th July 2020
(12.00 pm – 2:00 pm),

1/2 day




International Webinar onCOVID-19 ANDDISABILITIES,
IUCDS  in association with CEA, Bournemouth University, Gulf Medical University, University of Huddersfield and American Society for Microbiology on 25th July 2020
(2.00 pm – 4:00 pm)






9 COVID -19 and Disaster preparedness 20,addressing communities with special needs


Organized by Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA) in association with IUCDS

½ day 25-06-2020
10. Panel discussion on Impact on COVID-19 on Quality of Life of Transgender Persons.
IUCDS, Mahatma Gandhi University   and School of international Relations and Politics, Mahatma Gandhi university  in association with  MES college, Palakkad
1 day 26-08-2020
11 The webinar on
Demonstration of Assistive Technology Tools of Different Disabilities.Inter University Center for Disability Studies (IUCDS)- Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
Youth4Jobs Foundation,Cochin
1 day 27-08-2020
12 Inaugural Function of Jeevaniyam Ayurveda hospital & Research Centre Academic Series .
In Collaboration with
Inter University Center for Disability Studies (IUCDS)- Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.
1 day 17-10-2020

Webinar on
‘Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction’
Online training for Persons with Visual impairment in Kottayam District

District  Disaster Management Authority ,(DDMA ),Kottayam
In association with Inter University Center for Disability Studies (IUCDS)- Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.

1 day 21-10-2020
14  Webinar on
Sexual Health and Hygiene of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities.Inter University Center for Disability Studies (IUCDS)- Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
in association with Thiruvananthapuram  Parivar and  Sradha Charitable Society ,Thiruvananthapuram
1 day 01-11-2020
15. Online Certificate Course in Basic Counselling skills 15 days 05-11-2020


16 Webinar on Children with Disability and Inclusive DRR.

Jointly Organized by

Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction
( CCDRR) Centre,
National Institute of Disaster Management(NIDM),Ministry of Home Affairs ,Govt. of India.
Inter University Center for Disability Studies (IUCDS)- Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala


1 day 02-12-2020
17 World Disability day 2020

Organized by Inter University Center for Disability Studies (IUCDS)- Mahatma Gandhi University and Youth For Jobs Foundation .
In association with
National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH) , Trivandrum,
St. Xaviers college for Women, Aluva,
Sree Sankara College, Ernakulam &
St. Teresa’s College , Ernakulam


1 day 03-12-2020
18   Autism Management in Ayurveda.
Organized by Inter University Center for Disability Studies (IUCDS)- Mahatma Gandhi Universityin collaboration with Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital & Research Center
3 days 14-12- 2020 to
18 -12-2020
19 Training programme on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction
In association with
National Institute of Disaster Management Authority (NIDM),New Delhi
3 days 27-01-2021 to

One Week UGC- MHRD Faculty Development Programme
Under Scheme for Trans-Disciplinary Research for India’s Developing Economy(UGC- STRIDE)Positive Psychological Capital Of College Students And Role Of TeachersAt Mahatma Gandhi University By Inter University Centre for Disability Studies

5 days 08-02-2021 to
21 COVID-19 Free Vaccination Drive for Staff and Students of Mahatma GandhiUniversity
JCI P.D.Hills ,inter University Centre for Disability Studies (IUCDS) and Teachers association ,Mahatma Gandhi University
1 day 28-10-2021


Upcoming events